Friday, January 15, 2010

oh ten

boy oh boy,
are we really only 15 days into this year?!?!

oh ten!

this year has already held so much...
more than i can wrap my little head around

finding out i was going to have a little bowl of cereal of my own
only to find out a few days later....
this again wasn't our time

oh ten!

finding out that so many people at work
are leaving....
leaving because it is a really difficult work environment.
making it harder, because they will not be there to stand up for the rest of us.

oh ten!

learning my grandmother fell again
and broke her arm this time

oh ten!

putting an offer on a house...
the house that flake and i.
after two years of looking,
finally found the one for us
only for the flake to get a job offer
in buffalo, new york!
and happened.....five minutes before the seller has finally given the offer we were looking for

oh ten!

i'm not quite sure what the rest of the 350 days oh ten can hold!

oh ten,
i'm not sure i'm ready for you....
and all you have in store for me and my cereal bowl....
but you are here....


  1. Oh, Lucky, I am so sorry! Especially about your little one. :(

  2. oh my... i'm am SORRY about that little cereal... so, so sorry...

    i'll pray and hope that things WILL settle and get better for you in this "10"...

  3. Hey...just remember oh ten has nothing on what God has in store for you! Have faith my friend!!! Love ya!
