Friday, February 5, 2010

a letter....

dear preggo girls
(especially my preggo friends on facebook....and one in particular.....)

i know how exciting being preggo can be. i totally get it.....
and i know how much being preggo can suck.
the morning sickness, the pains, the multiple doctors appointments....yeah i know
but let me just talk to you from the point of view from someone who has experiences the joy, and the frustration.....only to have nothing to show for it

i too, loved the feeling of finding out i was pregnant.
i really did.
i too, loved the secret of knowing, and no one else knowing.
i really did.
i too, loved telling the people closest to me.
i really did.
i too, was excited to go to my first doctor's appointment.
i really was.
i too, understand how much morning sickness can suck.
i really do.
i too, understand how new feelings, strange feelings, feelings in general can be exciting and scary at the same time.
i really do.

but unfortunately,
i understand parts of pregnancy that i wish i didn't know about.
i understand the struggling of trying to get pregnant.
i understand the feelings of once you get pregnant.....that it can be taken from you.
i understand, all to well, what it feels like to loose all the good things.....
in an instant.....but for your pregnancy symptoms to stick around.
i understand how just because a pregnancy is over, doesn't mean the hormones go away right then and there.
i understand all to well how long morning sickness can last, even after your pregnancy has ended.

so, preggo person,
here is what i need your help with...
why do you feel the need to "want" a particular sex?
(shouldn't you just be thankful to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy? )
and who are you to look down on me (and comment on my choices) for trying again "too soon"?
(haven't you ever thought, my doctor knows what is better for me?)
and who are you to "schedule" your pregnancy, when it is better for you? (who cares of your baby is due around Thanksgiving.....shouldn't that be exciting, not a hassle?? who cares if your children have birthdays in the same month?)

please know that i am really excited for you! i really am! please also know, i realize i'm not the only person in this world that has struggled with getting/staying pregnant, and for all i know you have been in my shoes.....but the least you could do is respect that other people struggle with this, and we would give our right foot to have morning sickness (again), and a healthy baby to someday hold.
